Friday, April 29, 2016

Reunion Plan Shaping Up

The main event of our 50th reunion will be dinner at Patsy's on Bergen Boulevard near Cliff Street with festivities kicking off at 4:00 PM.  Some will want to make a day of it though, so there is more.

The 11 O'clock Mass at St. John's will be dedicated to our class and there are arrangements being made for us to tour the school building afterwards.

So what do we do for the afternoon ?

I propose a walking of Fairview and Cliffside with lots of stopping and picture taking.  I will lead the first leg which will follow in the hallowed footsteps of myself, Richie McCullough and Paul Moser as we made our way home every day.  Down 4th Street up Kamena Street where will stop at Our Lady of Grace and debate whether it is better to cut through the little path or go all the way to the corner of 6th Street.

Proceeding down Sixth Street, we will stop at the corner of Roosevelt Street at the site of what was once a vacant lot, where I managed to get my first communion suit covered in mud as Paul Moser gave me a good shove.

At the corner of Kennedy Drive (formerly Broad Street), I hope to hand off leadership to someone else.

If we do it right we will stop in front of every house of anyone on the tour and take pictures.

Peter J Reilly CPA is self appointed czar of the St Johns Class of 1966 reunion.  He keeps hoping to be deposed, but no luck so far.  Volunteeers can contact him at

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